Eisley is 3 months old!

Interrupting Disney World to bring you this impossible post!!

It really, truly is NOT possible.

This tiny love is just the sweetest little girl ever. I have a hard time remembering life before her and at the same time, I can’t believe it’s already been three months!

Eisley is hands down my best sleeper! She loves to sleep. She’s pretty consistently sleeping between 10-11 hours straight at night and then takes a couple of two hour naps during the day. She’s amazing. And coming after her littlest big brother, we are SO thankful and never take a night for granted! Ha!

She smiles ALL the time! We have gotten really really close to a real laugh a couple of times too. She’s done a few soft chuckles so I think a real laugh should be coming any day! She is talking a lot as well and making the sweetest little coos.

Eisley loves to be a part of everything! She loves to be right in the middle of the chaos, preferably being held by her mama and surrounded by her brothers and dad. She loves to be all snuggled close and being carried in the wrap or the Ergo is her very favorite thing.

She is not on a very good schedule during the day, mostly due to her big brothers’ activities but she is on a great eat, wake, sleep routine! We are doing our best to get ourselves back on a weekly schedule so everyone knows what is coming next. When we are home, she is great at taking a couple of good naps. She nurses about every 2-3 hours and spits up the rest of the hours in between. 😉

She has the best cheeks for kissing and they get kissed almost constantly. She’s starting to reach for objects and loves playing on the exercise mat and in the bouncer with the toys on it.

She is just so precious. We love everything about our sweet, tiny girl!

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