Disney World! Day 3

We spent our Disney Day 3 at Hollywood Studios! Today’s word of the day was epic and Nathan woke up asking me what the word was going to be. 😉
We were up and out to the buses as quickly as we could be so we could
get in line for Jedi Training. We didn’t tell Nathan about it just in
case we didn’t get to do it. 😉 Once we got there and found out we’d
made it in time, Jon told him. I think he was a little excited.

😉 He could NOT wait!! Jedi Training was a little later in the day, so off we went to see the sights.

is this kid?? Parker saw Donald from about three miles away and as soon
as it was his turn, he ran right up to him and gave him a big hug. You
could have wiped me and Jon off the floor considering his reaction the
day before at the character breakfast.

I mean, seriously.

Daisy got some Parker love. It was just like a new kid this day. Ha! He
LOVED meeting them! He talked the rest of the day about how he hugged
Donald and Daisy.

Studios, for all the fun rides, does not offer very much for the little
guys to do. So, while Jon and Nathan left to go ride some roller
coasters, Mom and I took the littles for something delicious to drink.
In a heavenly match, Starbucks has joined up with Disney and there’s now
one in every park. #praisehands

Star Wars ride!! Nathan LOVED it. And when we went, the “rebel spy” on
board our ship was Aunt Cayce. 😉 I should have known.

Passed out babies while the others rode Rockin’ Roller Coaster. 😉

Some of the girls!! 🙂

it was TIME. Nathan was SO excited!! They got all the kids robed up and
then marched them onto the stage and handed out the lightsabers. Then
they taught them the special commands. Nathan still practices them
almost every day. 😉

part of the show, Darth Vader came out and the kids had to use their
special training in the force and Jedi arts to defeat him. 😉

Shockingly, Nathan was the first to volunteer. 😉 Ha! He was SO serious about it!!

they defeated Darth Vader, his “sidekick” and Kylo Ren, the kids were
all told to turn to their family and friends and pose as a new Jedi. I
kept mouthing to Nathan to smile and he gave me this look. Ha! Such a
serious little Jedi. 😉

He was so proud of his new Jedi badge and wore it the entire rest of the day. 😉

went to the Disney Junior show afterward and it rained down gold
doubloons and bubbles at one point. Parker was exhausted and he still
loved it. 🙂

And who should arrive there but Minnie Bowtique!! I LOVE Parker’s expression here!!


This was entirely the boys’ idea. These kids are the biggest flirts ever. 😉

And our epic day three was a wrap!

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3 thoughts on “Disney World! Day 3

  1. Erynn, are you going to continue your blog? I know you must be crazy busy with everything in your life. Just know that we miss you, and hope everything is good. Looking forward to next book.

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