Meeting big brother :)

I am so far behind on here!! Parker is two weeks old today and just
an absolute doll. Both boys are down right now (though I’ve heard Parker
stirring), so I’m going to try and type this quick!!

only had to stay in the hospital for less than 48 hours – such a
difference than the 5 day stay we had with Nathan!! It went so well – I
was feeling so much better than I did with Nathan’s birth.

Parker in his little coming home outfit!! He was so sweet and snuggly!

actually spent the second night that we were in the hospital with
Nathan at home and I think it was so good for Nathan. He came up to see
me in the hospital lobby the next day because I was just missing my big
boy so much and the maternity wards had a “no visitors 15 and under”
rule. He took one look at my stomach and said, “Mom! Where is baby Parker??!” Ha! We were so ready that afternoon to leave and go introduce Nathan to his little brother!

We are coming, Nathan! πŸ™‚

First look. My heart just melted. He was so cute and anxious right before he saw Parker.

Love this!!

He just kept telling us how cute baby Parker was and how he was now the big brother. πŸ˜‰

First time holding him. πŸ™‚ People warned me but I never figured exactly how much bigger Parker would make Nathan seem. He’s gigantic now!

Oh how I love my boys!!

Sweet baby smiles – I just love them!

First picture as a family of four. πŸ™‚

Precious boys. I was choked up all night.

We have transitioned better than I ever could have imagined or prayed
for. So thankful for this precious addition to our family!

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4 thoughts on “Meeting big brother :)

  1. Beautiful family, Erynn! Wow, you have three guys on your hands now. Having four brothers, I can say by experience that I feel you may have to learn to wrestle or play baseball…. πŸ˜‰

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