It’s Been a Long Time Coming…

But I’m finally catching up on here!!

So sorry for the lack of blogs lately – Jon’s two week summer break started Friday afternoon, so we’ve been busy trying to get our house cleaned and organized for when our little mister shows up. 🙂 And we spent Memorial Day weekend swimming at my parents house (which felt SO good on my back!!), so we’ve been busy!

I did want to post my shower pictures though, so here they are! My baby shower in pictures!!

Here are the sweet girls who were the hostesses – Eliya, Shannon, Laura and Mrs. Wright. 🙂

They had a super cute idea for a game and had everyone decorate onesies for our little guy! Here’s the one my mother-in-law and mom made. So cute!

This is a quilt that my grandmother cross-stitched for the baby. Isn’t it adorable?

Jen and Greg came in town for the shower – here’s a shot of my sister, me, my mom and Jen. I love this picture!!

My two sisters-in-law, Vicky and Ashlee, came in town with my mother-in-law. We had such a good time with them! We ate out on Sunday night at a teppan grill. So fun!

I’ll get back to my memories about how Jon and I started dating hopefully tomorrow. And I need to post another pregnancy pic! Almost 35 weeks – WOW.

More to come tomorrow! Have a great day!


5 thoughts on “It’s Been a Long Time Coming…

  1. Oh, I love that idea of decorating onesies! So cute. Very funny one, that;)
    Lovely picture of all you ladies–goodness, it's getting close. I love baby showers.

  2. Thank you so much for the pictures. The 'choo choo' blanket was adorable, what a keepsake for your little guy that his great-grandmother made him.

    On a different note, I have started reading Cool Beans…….I love it so far. I am so glad that you came out with more books. I just finished reading matchpoint. So Cool Beans came at the perfect time.

    Have a great day!

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