Spring “Break”

We do this to ourselves every year. Spring break comes around for Jon and Nathan and we spend the entire time working in the yard. This year, we did a TON and Jon and I could barely move by Friday. We kept saying how next year, we’re going to set up a hammock on our new grass and drink something with a paper umbrella in it the entire spring break. Ha!

One of Jon’s coworkers was SO sweet and let us borrow their giant dump trailer. We spent all week preparing for it and all day on Thursday filling it completely to the top with most of what was left. We filled it so full we didn’t have room for the last couple of loads! Jon took it to the dump early Friday morning and came home with Starbucks because we had taken just over 15 THOUSAND pounds to the dump. No wonder we were both barely walking!!

After that insanity, we declared Friday a fun day and spent the entire day playing with the kids. We went to the aquarium first!

Someone is in some pretty desperate need of new shorts. 😉

I like this guy. We were both SO tired. I think we needed an IV of caffeine instead of just a grande cup.

We finally turned Eisley’s car seat around – I have been putting it off since she turned two. She was SO excited!

She kept pointing to everything we passed and yelling “I CAN SEE IT!” Ha! It was SO cute. She looked so big. I may have gotten a little bit emotional when we put away the rear-facing mirror for the car seats. Our car is full of big kids now.