It’s October!

October has always been one of my very favorite months. Everything is just in a good routine from the beginning of the school year, the weather is always so nice, the hint of cooler months is in the air. In Albuquerque, we have the Balloon Fiesta and it’s just one of my absolute FAVORITE things every single year.

Baby girl was very pleased with her crazy hair and PINK boots. We are all over anything pink these days. “Want to wear this shirt, Eisley?” “No, PINK shirt.” πŸ˜‰

She’s also constantly accessorized.

First morning of Balloon Fiesta and we did my favoritest fall tradition – Helping Fiesta!! Nathan named it when he was like three years old, but basically, we all get up really early, get our coffee and hot chocolate in travel mugs, grab our hats and gloves and sweatshirts and then we drive around chasing balloons until we find a good spot to watch them land and help the pilots put them away. Parker and Eisley really liked them from a distance. πŸ˜‰

I like this guy.

Nonnie is here!! Eisley and I had an extra special thing coming up and Nonnie was SO kind to come help with the boys while we are away. It just means our trip is actually here.

Oh my sweet boys. I think I’ve cried every day for like a month now over the thought of leaving them for a few days. Love, love, love, love my boys!!!!