Back in the swing

Happy back to school everyone!!

We are so sad that the summer is over! Mostly because during the summer, Jon only has one job. πŸ˜‰ During the school year, he works as both a special-education teacher and a realtor and so we all get excited when he’s home for the mornings in the summer. A certain little miss was NOT happy about Dad not being home when she woke up anymore.

(Also, BTW, you don’t need to be in New Mexico for Jon to help you if you need a house. Email me and I’ll let you know how to get in touch with him! πŸ˜‰ )

Last year, we did a “university model” Christian school in town with Nathan and really and truly LOVED it, but when thinking ahead to the future and that we would have three kids and thus, three tuitions at the school, we decided maybe we should explore other venues. πŸ˜‰ This year, we are going to be homeschooling and two things: 1) I am scared to death and, 2) I am super excited. Jon had to report back to his work a week before the students came, so we took that week to do a “soft start” to school and just did a lot of fun crafts and review work. The boys loved it and honestly, I felt a little bit better after doing that. πŸ˜‰ But pray for us all the same! Ha!

We ended our summer with the dentist. This cracked me up – Eisley holding one of Nathan’s hands and Parker holding the other. They hero worship him around here.

Eisley even had her first unofficial checkup after Parker and did FANTASTIC. Behold the third child who just wants to do everything exactly like her brothers. πŸ˜‰ Ha!

Wednesday, Eisley was just extra fussy and only wanted to be held in the carrier all day. I figured it was teething but then that afternoon, she started running a fever. πŸ™

By ten o’clock, she was at 102.5 while on Motrin, so we gave her lots of ice water and ice cream and let her snuggle in our laps while watching Cinderella for the first time (which she LOVED – all I heard the next day was “O-rella? O-rella?”). By the next morning, she was basically back to normal, so it must have been some weird 24-hour thing. Always hate seeing my babies sick. πŸ™

Eisley’s new favorite thing in our house is the little step stool we keep in the bathroom for Parker to wash his hands. Everytime I turn around, she’s carrying that stool somewhere so she can get into something. On this day, I was getting ready to make cookies and she was immediately right next to me. “I hulp?”

Something seems to be missing… πŸ˜‰ That girl. Notice the stool. She is constantly into something these days. The boys were hard at her age because they just had (and have!) SO MUCH energy. Eisley is completely different because she’s not extra energetic, but she is a problem-solver in ways the boys never were and her dexterity is ridiculous. I am childproofing in ways I never ever have had to do before! And praying even harder for my girl’s safety!