
So, we discovered something about our Eisley girl this week.

This girl loves herself some shoes. πŸ˜‰ Ha! I took her and Parker to get some new shoes for the spring at Payless (Gammy already got Nathan a new pair, so he was set!) and she seriously wanted to try on every. single. shoe in the entire store. We settled on the brightest sneakers on the planet. πŸ˜‰

Such the little model. πŸ˜‰ She was SO proud of her new shoes!! She brings them over to me constantly to put them on her. This morning, it was at 7:35am and we put them on over her footie pajamas. Ha!

The boys decided to do a basketball game so they set up the chairs so we could all go watch them play. πŸ˜‰

I got a Hobby Lobby gift card from Aunt Nicole for my birthday and one night Jon had a meeting with a real estate client at the same time as the boys’ Awana, so Eisley and I dropped the boys off and hit the clearance section. They had a TON on clearance and I think Eisley was pretty much over it by the third aisle. πŸ˜‰ Ha! We left empty-handed, sadly. Unlike the pirates in Pirates of the Caribbean, nothing called to me. πŸ˜€