Eisley is nine months old!

Little Miss Eisley is nine months old and I can’t even stand it.

Nine months is always a hard one for me because they’ve now spent just as much time out of the womb as they did in it. And how does the one go so much faster than the other? I will never understand.

Eisley is SO curious, SO silly, SO fun, SO into everything and is making her mama SO tired. Ha!

She now has two teeth!! She still doesn’t sleep and would be very content for me to just hold her or nurse her all night long. Makes for a very tired, very grouchy mama on some days. She is officially a big fan of finger foods and thinks she is extra big that she gets to feed herself. 😉

We spend our whole day racing her to the choking hazards and digging them out of those cheeks when we lose the race. 😉 She is pulling up on everything, crawling everywhere and generally just making life very interesting! Ha! We adore our precious girl and we cannot imagine life without her sweet little self!