Coming together

We have been busy, busy over here! I finally started painting the banister! It needs a few more coats, but I love how it’s turning out!

Twas the night before the countertops were delivered – I was SO excited and ready for them to come and to have a fully functioning kitchen! As much as I thought I’d be able to cook with just the appliances, it’s so hard to prepare food without a counter to set things on.

They’re in!! I love how it looks!!! It took no time at all for them to put them in – just amazing how it transforms the space.

First celebratory PB&J on our new kitchen counters. Insert praise hands! So so thankful!! I went back and forth on granite or not and ended up deciding that it would be better in the long run for the value to do granite. I love the colors – and bonus! This one was not only the cheapest, it was also on sale. 😉

Still need to touch up paint along caulk lines, but I am so excited for my new coffee station!!

The breakfast bar!! This was the only thing on my wish list for our future house. 😉 And I love that we can fit three barstools there. I am seeing lots of cookie baking days on that bar!

Cayce’s back for a visit!! I love my sister.

Right after Cayce left, Caleb, Nicole and Hudson came for a visit. I love this shot – all three of the womb buddies hanging out. 😉

Nicole was telling Nathan about triathalons for some reason while they were here and Nathan was so excited and said, “I’m going to do that!” So he ran and asked Jon to take off his training wheels and just took off on his bike. No problems at all. Ha! We were laughing so hard! He’s totally my kid who we can push and push and it never does anything but as soon as he decides he’s ready for something, it just goes flawlessly. I couldn’t even get a picture of him because he was riding so fast. 😉

“Hi Mom. I’m a BIKING.”

Aunt Heather made Nathan a shirt for his Lego birthday party that didn’t happen thanks to sick siblings and overwhelmed parents, but he LOVES the shirt anyway. 😉 He looks gigantic to me!

So fun to see this house starting to come together. 🙂

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