Parker’s 2nd Birthday :)

This day was one that I will probably never forget. πŸ˜‰

Last night as a one year old! I can’t believe how little and big he looks here.

We had a bunch of balloons and streamers and we were singing “Happy Birthday” we he got up and out of his room. He was SO excited. We let him open one present, which was his birthday shirt. πŸ™‚

All the presents and I think he was most excited about this – we turned his car seat around! He was SO happy to be like Nathan and facing forward! The whole way to get birthday donuts he kept yelling “I CAN SEE! I CAN SEE EVERYTHING!” Ha!

Two can only start off right if it includes a sprinkled donut. πŸ˜‰

We dropped Jon off at work and went to the aquarium. And the good times started rolling. He was not in a very good mood when we got there and then he tripped and fell walking inside. Which just didn’t bode well. But thankfully we made it through most of the aquarium in one relative piece.

Then we got to the end of it. There’s a huge glass wall that looks into a giant tank and the boys were doing so well just watching the fish. I needed to feed Eisley and there was hardly anyone else there and it was dark, so I sat down on the bottom row of the theater-style benches and started nursing. Right then, this HUGE crowd of kids and parents came in, Parker got nervous and started playing on the benches by me and then promptly fell right off the top and tumbled to the floor. πŸ™

He, of course, immediately started screaming,  I was still nursing, so I grabbed Parker as best as I could while holding Eisley, got her unlatched and me covered up and he kept on screaming and it was just a great fun mess.

Parker did NOT want to take a picture outside the aquarium. Pretty sure by this point most of the other parents there thought I was abducting him. πŸ˜‰ I managed to get them all to sit there and kind of look like they were enjoying themselves by performing a crazy dance number.

There is no other place for a birthday lunch like Chick-fil-a! We announced to the restaurant we were there by Parker sliding down the slide, getting his hand stepped on by another kid and then screaming for the next ten minutes. We calmed down, ate our lunch, demanded to go back in the playroom and got hurt again. See the red mark by his forehead? One of the many this day.

Nap was a misfire and by dinner, we were a mess, but he LOVED his birthday ice cream and that two waitresses sang to him. By this point, I was just rolling with it and shrugging off the people looking at us at Olive Garden.  πŸ˜‰ Poor kid. He was having such a rough day and I just hated that for him!

It’s a MeMo cake!! This changed a lot for the better. πŸ˜‰

Gammy and Pops came for dinner, presents and cake – Parker was pretty much all done with pictures at this point.

And it’s time for bed! Whew! I am thankful that you only turn two once because bless his heart, I don’t think he could survive another two year-old birthday. πŸ˜‰ Too many bumps and bruises today!

Oh sweet boy. You are never boring and you keep us on our toes but I cannot imagine how our lives would look without you in it!! We are blessed with you!

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