All the cheeky smiles

I’m not going to lie. This little man has had a ROUGH time adjusting to his little sister. Bless his heart. She came right when he was entering the terrible twos and cutting back molars. Add in all the Christmas craziness and company in and out of town and it just made for a pretty rough few weeks with our mama’s boy who isn’t super excited about change.

Praise the Lord, though, it has finally been getting warm enough to play outside! We finished our landscaping of the backyard last summer and we have been LOVING it this year. The boys go out there and often don’t come back inside until dinner. It’s worth every penny and every drop of sweat we poured into it. 😉

We went out to dinner at Pei Wei right after my birthday and it was the BEST time. The kids behaved, the food was delicious, Eisley slept the entire time and the boys were just cute as can be. I love when I can see the future of what eating out is going to be like! Ha! Right now, I always have mild anxiety attacks trying to weigh the balance of whether it’s worth it to eat out since it costs so much and Parker can be a handful. Which means that if we eat out, we usually just go to CFA, where they can run and play and not bother anyone.

Nathan had the great idea to get a to-go box and then go fill it up with fortune cookies. He was so proud of himself. Ha!

They both thought they were hilarious with the burp rags over their shoulders. They need them with this little love. She gives her brothers runs for their money when it comes to the quantity of spitting up. 😉

“Hey, what happened to the chair??! Wait… Oh yeah…”

Morning snuggles. Love this picture. She has her brothers’ hearts, that is for certain!!

Sweet little love about to get in the tub for the first time!

Eisley’s first bath was a family event. Ha! The boys were so excited. 😉 I think it made her seem even more “real” to the boys when she was doing something that they do.

Little Miss LOVED her bath. She still absolutely loves her baths and only cries when she gets out. She’s definitely a bath girl!! I wish you could bottle the smell of sweet baby skin cleaned with lavender and vanilla soap. I’m pretty sure heaven will smell like that.

In the beginning of nursing when it took Eisley longer to eat, I would try to stay awake during the night sessions by taking quizzes I found on Facebook. This one just made me laugh. OF COURSE. 😉

We love visiting my beautiful sister at work! This was her last day at Starbucks in town before she transferred to one in California. There have been lots of tears in my house over this. We love Aunt Cayce so much!

My babies. This three kid thing isn’t easy or a walk in the park by any stretch of the imagination, but I wouldn’t trade the exhaustion, joy and tears for anything in the entire world. I look at these little faces and I just get completely overwhelmed by how blessed we are. Thank you, Jesus!

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