Friday five and book club info :)

Yay! It’s Friday!!

I had so much fun with my Friday Five that I decided to do it again today. 😉

1. Fall.

 Not that it looks like this at my house in New Mexico, but I absolutely, positively, 100 percent LOVE this time of year. The decorations, the weather, the sweaters, the football, the pumpkin candles, the soups, the hot coffee on cold mornings, the lattes… you name it, I love it.

2. Snuggly sleepy boys.

He’s perfect.

3. ACFW Conference

I’m dying of jealousy that I am not there. NEXT YEAR. God willing. 😉

4. Pumpkin muffins

I’ll post the recipe Monday. But it officially smells like fall in my house!

5. Book club time!!!


So excited for this!! Okay – so I’ve been doing a lot of thinking – though, granted, it’s usually at 1AM or 5AM when I’m up with Parker, so this may not make much sense. 😉 We will have to try it this month and then work out the kinks for November!

First things first: Here is the book I chose:

Let Them Eat Cake by Sandra Byrd!!!

The official “about the book”:

Lexi Stuart is at a critical crossroads. She’s done with college but
still living at home, ready to launch a career but unable to find a
job, and solidly stalled between boyfriends.

When a lighthearted conversation in French with the manager of her
favorite bakery turns into a job offer, Lexi accepts. But the actual
glamour is minimal: the pay is less than generous, her co-workers are
skeptical, her bank account remains vertically-challenged, and her
parents are perpetually disappointed. Her only comfort comes from the
flirtatious baker she has her eye–but even may not be who he seems to

So when a handsome young executive dashes into the bakery to pick up
his high profile company’s special order for an important meeting–an
order Lexi has flubbed–she loses her compulsion to please. Something
inside Lexi clicks.
Laissez la révolution commencer! Let the revolution begin!

Instead of trying to fulfill everyone else’s expectations for her
life, Lexi embarks on an adventure in trusting herself and God with her
très bon

Five reasons why this book is great:
– It’s such a fun book to snuggle up with next to a warm dessert. 🙂 Perfect for fall!
– It’s hilarious. Lexi’s character is adorable.
– It’s the first in a three book series, so if you love Lexi and her friends (and I know you will!), there is lots more to love!
– It’s right now listed for $3.99 on Kindle – or for free if you have Kindle Unlimited! Totally doable for most of us. 🙂
– AND (my favorite part) the amazing Sandra Byrd has agreed to do a little interview once we’re done reading it and she’s even been so generous to offer a little giveaway! She’s wonderful!

So, here’s what I’m thinking. If you would like to join us in the book club, you need to have the book and have read it by October 24th. I’ll have some discussion questions for us and on that day, we’ll do a little live blogging day and we can all discuss it in the comments! Then, I’ll let Sandra take over and tell us her thoughts on the following Monday and we’ll have our giveaway.

Let me know if you have questions!! I’m so excited for our VERY informal but hopefully very fun book club!!

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9 thoughts on “Friday five and book club info :)

  1. I'm so excited for the book club! Can't wait to read and chat about it. That is such a sweet picture of Parker and I love all the pumpkin recipes for fall! = )

  2. I am so excited you chose this book Next to you, I love Sandra Byrd's books. This is the first in a trilogy, and we all know that those are the most fun type of series!

  3. Yay! So excited for fall AND the book club!!! Great choice…I read that book when it first came out so it's time to revisit Lexi!

    P. S. I didn't get to reply to your other post, but I've been reading the Betsy-Tacy series by Maud Hart Lovelace. 🙂

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