Highlights :)

This is the time of year when we basically move outside. 😉 So, I’ve been a bit behind on the blog because this has also been the week or two of rest time and nap time not quite matching up between the two boys. We will get there!! 🙂

We planted our garden!! Nathan LOVES being outside helping Dad – there is nothing that makes his day more. And little Parker Bear is falling right in line with that! I’ve never seen a happier boy than when he is outside.

We went to Jon’s softball game and Nathan sat smack in the middle of his two favorite people right now – his Aunt Nicole and soon-to-be Aunt Nicole (in FOUR days!!!). 🙂 Someone adores the girls.

 Running the bases after the game. It’s officially summer!!

Love our nightly prayers with the boys. 🙂

Zoo day with our dear friends Evie and Gracie!

First day of swim lessons!! Nathan went NUTS. We have been looking forward to this day for WEEKS and it finally came! He did so good – I was so proud of him! He’s had two lessons now and he can already get the basics of freestyle down. Love my little fish. 😉

Sleeping through breakfast. 😉

Mother’s Day was absolutely WONDERFUL. I’m so blessed to be the mom of these precious boys! What a perfect day!

 We found a bird’s nest that had blown off the tree on Mother’s Day and so of course we had to make a sign so the birds could find it again. 😉

Hanging out on the back porch while the carpets got cleaned. The weather freaked out that day and it was like 40 degrees outside that morning so we bundled up. 😉

He woke up asking for hot chocolate and marshmallows, so that’s what we had. 😉

Sweet, precious boys. I don’t think I can love them more!!

There are a MILLION grasshoppers overtaking our city so Jon and Nathan went on a little hunt for them yesterday and caught five. Miney, Makey, Mocho, Bojo and Bayjon. I wish I was kidding. They are currently residing on our back porch table. I just love grasshoppers. Not. 😉 I do love that Nathan felt the need for a camo hat and goggles to go hunting. 😉

Precious bath time smiles. I can’t get enough of his cheeks!!

The men in my life – Caleb is four days away from being a married man and moving to Texas. We are all in mourning here about the move! Soaking in every second of time with him and Nicole!!

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2 thoughts on “Highlights :)

  1. Love all the pics, Erynn! 🙂 Your blog always makes me feel happy 🙂

  2. Can I just say how great it is to see a fellow mama strap her kids in properly (ie tight enough + clip in the right spot) AND the fact that Nathan is still harnessed!! Way to go mama! Such a minority I feel like! Lol. I'm a secret follower (I went to high school with your hubby) but I felt like I had to say something ha ha. Your boys are just so so cute too!!!

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