
Well, we thought we were out of the woods when Nathan started acting pretty normal again by Wednesday – he just didn’t have much of an appetite still. But Thursday night Jon came down with the bug and Friday night we got woken up to Nathan throwing up again.


I’m SO ready for spring!!

Today, Nathan is actually back to eating his normal horse-like proportions and things seem to be working better intestinally. 😉 Thank You Lord! We are praying that was the end of it!

So, we’ve had another weekend of just laying low and doing lots and lots of laundry.

Sunday morning, Nathan woke up and we had a quiet morning at home watching movies. I looked over at one point while they were watching a police movie and found this. SO cute. Sick or not, he still has to dress the part. 😉

Jon and I got a project partway done. Just need to find some small clocks to go under the pictures! I’m going to have them stopped on the times that the boys were born and then stop the one under our picture at the time we got married. Love those sweet babies up there – I can’t wait to find out the details about baby brother. Next month, friends! SO so close!!

Since Nathan was still kind of germy we decided to be kind to our sweet friends and not go play with all their toys at a Super Bowl party. We were very bummed to miss out on the fun. My brother Bryant and his fiancee Nicole braved the germs and came to watch it with us which was very fun. 🙂 I don’t really care that much about the NFL but I do like football. It was fun to eat all kinds of heartburn inducing foods and laugh at the commercials.

Moms of two or more out there – question for you! I’ve got pretty much everything from Nathan’s babyhood that I’m slowly unpacking. What was helpful with #2 that you didn’t have with #1??

Have a great evening!

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2 thoughts on “Yuck.

  1. I love love love this thermometer, of all things: http://www.target.com/p/exergen-temporal-scanner-infrared-thermometer/-/A-13009184#prodSlot=medium_1_1&term=thermometer. It has been very reliable and AMAZING to just scan across the forehead for a temp instead of trying to pin a squirmy baby down for a rectal or underarm temp! "They" probably still recommend a rectal temp for accuracy for itty bitty babies, but this will give you an idea where temp is at in between those invasive and gross situations! Plus you can use it on Nathan and Jon too 🙂

  2. I tried baby-wearing with Josh and the Baby Bjorn (which we loved at the time) just wasn't something that was comfortable to put him in often. So for Timothy we got an Ergo Baby and IT. IS. AMAZING. I caught an awesome sale on Amazon (yay!) so it was slightly more in my price range, but I think once I had it I used it more than the stroller. He STILL likes to be carried in it and it's handy for taking his big brother places like the playground and being able to chase him around. =)

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