A Final Holly Jolly Giveaway

Hey guys!

Somehow I missed Friday completely – so sorry about that! 🙂 So, here’s our final Holly Jolly Giveaway – an autographed copy of Sketchy Behavior!!

Leave a comment answering this question to enter: What has been your favorite Christmas gift you’ve ever received? I’ll pick the winner on Wednesday!

In other news, Cool Beans is currently free on Kindle this week! Just in time for some post-finals reading. 😉

Have a great Monday!
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Our Advent, week two

So sorry I never got back to some of your questions on my first advent post – we have had a crazy couple of weeks!

I got ideas for the activities by searching a ton of blogs and just remembering things we did as kids or do now that I love – like looking at lights or reading Christmas story books. Things like that. I searched “advent” on Pinterest and found a TON of blogs with some great ideas!

Here’s our second week – we have been LOVING this. 🙂

Day 8: We read Luke 2:5, sung “Away in the Manger” and learned “Silent Night”

Day 9: We read Micah 5:2 and made thumbprint Christmas cards for our family. 🙂

Day 10: We read Luke 2:6-7 and went to get frozen yogurt.

Day 11: We read Luke 2:7, bought three toys and donated them to a church Christmas store.

Day 12: We read Isaiah 9:6 and made peppermint hot chocolate.

Day 13: We read Luke 2:8-11 and watched Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. (Both Jon and I had just worked out, so please don’t look at us. My favorite part of this picture is the hot chocolate spilling down Nathan’s shirt as he drinks. Ha!)

Day 14: We read Luke 2:12 and made paper snowflakes.

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The Bikings

We have had a crazy day but I did want to post this picture of my boys before it got lost in the depths of my camera. We gave Jon a Vikings shirt for his birthday that was late getting here and as soon as Nathan saw it on his Daddy, he said, “Hey, the Bikings?!”, went running for his playroom and insisted that he needed to put on his Vikings shirt too.

It seriously makes my heart just melt that he wants to be so much like his daddy. 🙂
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Weekend and Winner

And the winner of the autographed copy of Double Shot is…

Stephanie! Send me an email at erynnmangum@gmail.com and I’ll get that out to you ASAP! 🙂

I’ve got one more Holly Jolly Giveaway for this coming Friday!

We had a very laid back weekend. I even got a little bit bored at one point (can’t remember the last time that happened) and this was the result:

Yep. Bangs. We’ll see how long they stay. 😉 We spent Saturday around the house soaking up the last few weeks of college football.  Nathan was overjoyed because he got to watch a lot of the Alabama/Georgia game from his favorite place on earth – right between me and Jon:

Afterward, our friends Shannon and Eric had a Christmas party. So fun, but I will say that parties are not what they used to be before we had Nathan.

Not that I would change our crazy son, but I always feel like we need to send an apology gift to our poor hostess when we leave. 😉

Yesterday, we had another day at home after church and then “Unca Bynant” came over and stayed until after dinner. Nathan might have been a little over the moon about this. He loves going to see the extended family at Gammy and Pops’ house, but whenever anyone comes to our house, it’s like the angels have started singing. Poor Bryant got dragged all over our house looking at every single thing that could possibly belong to Nathan.

I am so proud of my mom because she ran in the Las Vegas marathon yesterday and did great, despite getting texts like this from Nathan:

We try to be encouraging. She did awesome and I’m so proud of her!

We went to Lunch Bunch this morning, ran by the grocery store, I put Nathan down for a nap and got dinner going and I’m finally sitting down for the first time all day. Life is crazy but we are more than blessed.

Please know that even if I don’t mention it often, I am still praying for all of you who are waiting for something along with us, especially those of you waiting for a husband or child. There is such an emphasis on love and families and children around Christmastime and I know it can be an extremely difficult, lonely time. I don’t want to pop the spiritual band-aid on there so I just want to say I know it hurts and I’m praying for you.

Love to you all!
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Pre-Ordering Now Available!

I am now taking pre-orders for Paige Torn on my website – just in time for Christmas! Yay!

Please note that the actual book will NOT ship until it becomes available – on or around May 1st. In the meantime, I’ve prepared a PDF file for you to print out and wrap up for Christmas. 🙂

Don’t forget to enter my contest for Double Shot down below! Hope you are all having a wonderful Sunday afternoon – I’m about to go make some spiced tea and settle in for some writing time during Nathan’s nap. 🙂 Happy December!
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