Six Weeks Old!

I can’t believe we’re at the magical six weeks already! Everyone told me if I can make it through the first six weeks, it’s smooth sailing from here. Yay!

I had my doctor’s appointment yesterday and everything is healing perfectly – thank you so much for your prayers! I’m so excited that I can now do everyday things like get Nathan in and out of the car in his car seat without someone – ahem, Jon – panicking about me ripping my stitches open. 😉

He takes good care of me.

And I had to share a video of our happy boy because pictures can only go so far. 😉 Anyone else out there hate the way they sound on videos? And apologies to any of you who might get motion sickness easily – I’m like the worst videographer in the world. There is a reason I’m a writer instead of working the wedding circuit.

Hope you are having a great day!


10 thoughts on “Six Weeks Old!

  1. How adorable. I just have to tell you that while I was watching the video, my dog, Ziva heard the noises from the other room and came running to see what it was. Then she just stared at the video, like what is that?

  2. Oh my goodness, he is a cutie! Love those little baby grunts and groans. So sweet. I watched it with my 8-year-old son and when it was done he yelled, "hit replay! hit replay!"

    And I like your voice! :o)

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