Big YAY!!!

Yesterday was my long day at work, because on Wednesdays, I work mornings and afternoons (unlike the rest of the week where it’s just mornings). And trust me. It was long. The kids were going absolutely crazy! This job has given me a whole different respect for teachers, so if you’re a teacher, then my hat is off to you – you guys are absolutely amazing.

I came home and told Jon that if I had his job (he’s a fourth grade special ed teacher), I would not live through the first month of school. None of the kids were listening at all yesterday. When I got home, I told Kody to sit, he sat and I told Jon we might just have to stick with dogs. No kids.

Just kidding. πŸ™‚ Jon and I are too crazy about little kids to not have any of our own. Sheesh, we even treat Kody like he’s our kid. I think that’s part of Kody’s problems. πŸ™‚

I was so tired and cranky after work yesterday that I drove straight to the store and bought two bags of coffee and two bags of chocolate chips. I made an awesome chili for dinner, since it’s been kind of rainy and drizzly outside lately, and then I made chocolate chip cookies.

AND THEN… I got the bestest email ever!! πŸ™‚ I just found out that NavPress signed the third novel in the Cool Beans series! Yay!! πŸ™‚

So, Cool Beans will release Spring 2010, Latte Daze will release Summer 2010 and now Double Shot (tentative title. We’ll see what it ends up becoming!!) will release Fall 2010. I’m SO excited!

I’ve got a new deadline of February 1st and so I had better get busy writing away here very soon! πŸ™‚

Also, I thought I’d show you what I did the other day. I went to Michaels and ALL of their fall stuff is on sale. I bought a grapevine wreath for $1.89, a cranberry colored ribbon for $2.99, two mixed fall daisy bouquets for $0.99 each and two little scarecrow people for $1.49 each and this is what I came up with:

It was SO easy! It seriously took me about ten minutes. First, I wrapped the whole wreath with the ribbon and tied a bow. Then, I cut the bouquet apart, wove the individual stems through the grapevine and added the little scarecrow people.

I think they are so cute! πŸ™‚

Don’t these colors just scream fall? This was so much fun to make – totally helped me soothe my “I Must Decorate SOMETHING” feelings I was having! And, it was way cheaper than buying one of the premade wreaths at the store.

Here’s Kody watching me take pictures of the wreath. Poor dog. I think he might be easily confused. πŸ™‚

I’m SO excited about the new book! I cannot wait to share Maya’s story with you!

13 thoughts on “Big YAY!!!

  1. Wow, that's great Erynn! It's so strange to think that you are already working on a third installment in a series when none of us have read the first book! What a world. Oh, and the wreath is adorable and very autumnal!

  2. Congrats on the book, Erynn, and I love the wreath! I made a similar one when I was first married with one of those scarecrows and and owl. If you wrap it in a garbage bag at the end of the season, it should last a long time (as long as you don't mistake it for actual garbage)!

  3. Congratulations on the new book deal! Even though it's been really, really hard to wait for your next book to come out, I LOVE that I won't have to wait too long between each of the three (so far, will there be more?) in the series. So YAY for you! Is this one already started?

    Your wreath is SO cute! I seriously might have to steal your idea. I made a christmas wreath for my house a couple of years ago that I still use, but I never thought to make an autumn one. Now you've inspired me!

  4. The wreath looks great. Congratulations on the book deal. I cannot wait for next year to get here so I can read them!

  5. Very cute wreath Erin. Congratualations on the books. Can NOT wait to read the first one. πŸ™‚
    Thank you for sharing your gift of writing with us. My daughters and I love love love your books. We draw straws to see who get's to read them first (we all live in the same house) =) Your books never fail to lift our spirits and make us smile, and usually laugh. Thanks again. God bless you Erin as you continue to walk in the awesome plans that God has for you.

    <3 Melissa Dembowksi

  6. WOOHOO!!
    I told my Joel last night the release dates, pointing out that:
    -The first one's out in time for Mother's Day.
    -The second is out in time for my b'day.
    -The third is out in time for Christmas!
    Of course, then I said that they could all be early gifts…;)

  7. Erynn!! CONGRATULATIONS on NavPress publishing the third installment. That is just fabulous news and such a blessing! I can't wait to read all three! I LOVE the titles. You have a sister coffee addict over here as you know.

    I relate better to animals than children these days.

    The wreath is ADORABLE!! Look at you with your crafty self. I normally glue my fingers together and then put it everything back in the plastic bag. LOL!

    Speaking of adorable…Kody!!!!!

  8. Whoohoo! LOL while reading your post I got a song stuck in my head "I'm so excited and I just can't hide it . . ." So yeah I am excited for you. πŸ™‚

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