Give us the cheese!

Nathan has learned a new trick, one that I’m sure will haunt our family pictures for the next few years:

I think it’s hilarious.

Hilarious NOW. I can bet money I will not think it’s so hilarious in two years when I am begging, pleading, crying and gnashing my teeth to get him to smile genuinely for a camera. 😉

Well, something is going around our city because every person I talk to has a kid who ran a fever this week. Including me. I think we are finally over the virus now, but it did have it’s “benefits”:

Like Nathan’s first Keva Juice. I’m all about doing fun things when you’re sick, in case y’all haven’t noticed. All day movies, ice cream, smoothies, bubble baths…my mother raised me right. 😉

 I’d say he’s a fan. 😉

Up and Down Weekend

Last week, Jon decided to go outside and weed the yard so (of course) Nathan had to go help. He came marching out of his room a few minutes later with his hat on and holding the boots.

He is a mess. We have such a fashion forward son. 😉

You can see where this is going, right?

Yep. 😉

We had a very long weekend. It started off well! We went to a bounce house in town for Julia L.’s birthday party which was an absolutely BLAST. Last time we went to the bounce house, I had to drag him up all the ladders myself but this time, he was like a little monkey climbing them!

Jon hadn’t been able to go with us last time, so he had so much fun with Nathan! It was so nice – last time it was all of us moms helping the kids through everything, so it was nice to be able to just sit back and talk while the dads took care of everyone. 😉

Sweet Julia! My sweet friend Melanie is her mom and seriously guys, the story of our friendship is just about as weird as it gets. Mel was actually the acquisitions editor for Miss Match! She got married to Matt and moved away from NavPress (which is in Colorado Springs) before the book released and I didn’t see her again, though I was friends with her on Facebook. So a little over a year ago, she posted something about looking for rental houses here, she had Julia who is just about three months older than Nathan, we met up again and the rest is history. 😉 God is good! I’m so thankful for her!!

Good friends – at least at the moment this picture was taken. 😉 Ha! Those two are TROUBLE together!

We brought a very tired, very happy boy home after the party!

 The rest of the weekend was not so fun – I started feeling yucky Saturday afternoon and by Saturday night I had a full-on stomach bug. 🙁 So gross! I ended up sleeping for fourteen hours that night, woke up with a fever and by Sunday afternoon, started feeling a little better. Yesterday I was pretty much back to normal, so I guess it was a twenty-four-hour thing. Bleugh.

Praying hard that no one else catches it!! 🙁

What did you guys do this weekend?