Where you’ll find us

FOREVER. Seriously, I think I’ve spent the majority of our spring at these fields. Half of the season, we’ve had between three and four games a week. Just a TON for a bunch of six, seven and eight year olds.

Not to mention their siblings. Parker and Eisley are pretty much ALL DONE BASEBALL.

Summer time, but I’m still up early. If I’m not up by six or six-fifteen, the whole day just goes bad from the start.

For Nathan’s kindergarten graduation, we gave him a fidget spinner (along with the rest of the world). He picked out a blue one on Amazon and it said it would be delivered Friday. So, this is how they spent Friday. 😉

We have been attempting to cut Parker’s nap because if he sleeps during the day, he doesn’t at night. On Saturday, I told him to do rest time in my room, thinking maybe that would deter him from falling asleep in his bed. And maybe not…

End of the year party!! He did a great job his first year in rookies!

Sunday, we went to church, had lunch with our dear Beechems and then came home and started working on our sorry excuse for a backyard. Probably the thing that stings the most about our move last summer was we had JUST put our backyard in the year before we moved!! We spent the entire afternoon on one tiny patch of red lava rock that we are getting rid of and the boys dug up a ton of roots underneath. Nathan suggested they they all pose with their “serious faces” with the biggest roots they dug out. Parker’s face is killing me – and so is my back. I’m not as young as I was last time we landscaped a yard. 😉